Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Evolution of Marriage

Mike cut this out and put it on the fridge when we were newlyweds.

Mike cut this out and put it on the fridge last week.

He thinks he's so funny. Sadly, the new comic is pretty accurate. I have to remind myself sometimes not to micromanage. It gets easier though, realizing not everything has to be perfectly done my way. I like it done my way, but it's not as crucial as I once thought.

Mike and I went to dinner (by ourselves!) Tuesday night. Mike was craving BBQ again, so we went to our favorite place, Joe Morley's. Someone I worked with nearly ten years ago is still there, so he came to our table and chatted with us for a minute. I asked him about being married. He chuckled and said, "Man, I hate it. I love her to death, but I hate being married." At first we thought he was kidding. He wasn't. He said they fight a lot and then asked if we fight a lot. We said no, and I think he was either really surprised, or thought we were lying. Actually, the longer we're married the better it gets. Mike is really great!

According to Dr. Laura, the key to a successful marriage is 4 words. Choose Wisely, Treat Kindly. When I got married I didn't really understand just how wisely I had chosen. Example: Mike is just pulling in the garage from delivering my visiting teaching cop-out, end-of-the-month cookies (Normally we get our visits done, this month we slacked off. I also made enough cookies for Mike's home teaching families).

Mike is a fabulous husband and an amazing father. We'll celebrate our 6th anniversary this year. I'm so glad I was smart enough to make him marry me!


Tawna said...

Those comics are hilarious! I love it. I agree with you though, the longer we are married, the better it gets! I feel bad for those who argue a lot. I hate tension in the home.

Us said...

Micromanage. That's a good way to describe moms vs dads.