Thursday, January 10, 2008


I finished Eclipse last night. It didn't end quite how I thought it just kind of stopped. There was closure and all that I guess, but I thought we'd get a little more story. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but apparently that wasn't it. I loved the series though. Very fun. And thanks to Lori I now know that there's another one coming out. Thank goodness! Yes, I do live in a cave.

Will and Sam both ate bananas a couple of days ago while I was making banana bread. Will just isn't into solids, he ate a few bites but then wouldn't eat any more. Not sure what to do with that kid.

Today I made wheat bread. I need to learn how to make awesome bread. I think I need smaller pans. This bread is pretty good, but not awesome.

Sam is playing at his friend's house right now. Will is in bed. It's so quiet. I almost don't know what to do. Or I guess I could get some stuff done that I can never do because I have two little munchkins with me. Like finish the dresser we meant to give Sam for Christmas. That might be good. It's been out in the garage for way too long.


Glazier5 said...

Hey Becky...I just finished Eclipse a couple weeks ago too - I was all excited for a great ending and like you said it just ended. I guess we have to wait for New Dawn! I still owe you a tag post..I'm so behind. One of these days I'll get to it! Hope you guys are doing well!