Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day

I really love the idea of Mother's Day. Honoring the women who make the world a better place every day by small and often unseen actions...devoting one day to them is really the least we can do. However, I'm campaigning to cancel Mother's Day next year, at least at my house.

  • The freezer broke...again (it's as old as Sam)
  • Which made us late for a baby blessing (just missed it)
  • I somehow messed up my wrist and couldn't use my right hand
  • Will missed his morning
  • Sam went to bed late the night
  • I picked up some yucky bug and was sick Monday

I've got a repairman coming tomorrow (somewhere between 8-5), and it's only $65...for the trip charge. Then he still has to fix it. I'm calling tomorrow to see if they'll wave the trip charge since they sold us a total lemon. It broke 2 years ago (the compressor blew), and after 5 appointments with 5 repairmen in 5 weeks, it finally started working again. SO FRUSTRATING! [It wouldn't have been as bad if Mike's back hadn't gone out at work that day...two days before I was having some minor surgery. Injuries need ice, which is hard to get when you don't have a freezer!] Now all my frozen food is in two different freezers (thanks Grace and Jami!!). Argh. Happy Mother's Day. And go Jazz, Sunday's game was awesome.