Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hard Work

Yesterday Mike and 3 awesome helpers (Lon, Lee, and our neighbor Lynn) poured the rest of the cement (6 yards) that they started almost a year ago. Cement is really hard work, so we're very excited to have it done! Now we'll have lots more parking, so I'm sure Eric and Renee are happy too. Last year when they poured, it just happened to be on Halloween (it was really the only day Mike could do it). Mike sat outside for hours to make sure no trick-or-treaters played any tricks with our wet cement. I'm also very happy not to have that huge dirt area that was only good for growing weeds and providing dirt clumps for Sam to throw.

Will's latest trick is shoving both of his hands in his mouth and chewing on them. We're almost wondering if he's teething. Extra drool, lots of biting, some fussiness...this could be really sad for Mom. We haven't felt any teeth though, maybe it's something else. I have my fingers crossed.


Christine said...

he is such a handsome little man!