Monday, April 26, 2010

How To Train Your Children

We'd never taken the kids to a real movie (ie still in the regular theater...we've done dollar flicks a couple of times), so on a gross, rainy day (ie Mike was able to take part of the day off) we took them to How To Train Your Dragon in IMAX 3D. It was pretty intense, especially for Will, but they loved it! That's the longest all three kids have EVER sat still.

I love her little crinkle nose!

She is ALWAYS putting stuff over her head and onto her neck. Glasses, pants, hats, toys, random stuff on the floor. I think it's cute!

Unfortunately for Molly, she didn't get glasses. They probably would have given her some if they'd seen how stinking cute she is in them!

Sam was completely focused. The previews hadn't even started yet! The anticipation was almost tangible. It was hilarious. He didn't move a muscle for...minutes. A new record!

Maybe if we tell them church is like a movie...only less intense...then they'll be that good on Sundays!


Jami and Family said...

Awesome, we have been wanting to take the girls to see that movie. You should let Sam wear his church during Sacrament and see if he would sit still, that would be hilarious!

Jane said...

HAHA! I love Sam's serious focus. Not even so much as a muscle twitch from one picture to the next - he is in exactly the same pose! Too bad the aquarium was not more like the movie...!!