Monday, April 12, 2010

Soccer Time!

Sam started Soccer a few weeks ago, and it's been so much fun! He's on the same team as his buddy Ryan, and yes, Sam is on the correct team according to grade. And yes, he's a head taller than all the other kids. That's what happens when you're HUGE for your age and you miss the kindergarten cutoff by ONE DAY. Yup.

Mike got to come, which was awesome, because Spring=Crazy at our house, and Mike will be working insane hours from here on out. Well, until June anyway.
The kids had lots of fun, I'm so glad Sam is playing soccer! I think the hardest part is keeping Will off the field because he's dying to play with all the boys. Sam loves it though, so we're all happy! And look how cute they are in their little uniforms! Jerseys? Outfits? Whatever. They're cute.