Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I am a Mother

Sam came home from preschool today in a particularly good mood. I went to the car to get his booster seat (since we carpool), so he followed me and said something about being happy to be home. The cute mom that drove him home stopped and said, "You sure love your little family, don't you?" Sam said, "Yeah, I love my family!" It doesn't take much to melt you heart when you're a mom.
I've also been reading the book I am a Mother. I know how blessed I am to be a mother, but it can be easy to forget that sometimes when dealing with crying, discipline, throw-up, dirty diapers, morning sickness, etc. It's great to have a reminder of why I do what I do, and how blessed I am to do it. Not every mom gets the chance to stay home and raise her kids. I'm so grateful that I get to!