Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So Sad

Once again, I'm having major computer issues. I have to wait for Mike's laptop now, so I won't be posting much until mine gets fixed. Argh.

Before I forget, I have to put all the fun things Sam has been saying.

I got Sam some Hot Wheels as little incentive prizes. This morning he got up and said, "Are these my hot tires?" Pretty close.

We ran out of milk this morning so Mike tried to sneak some rice milk into Sam's cereal. Sam took one bite and said, "I don't like this rice milk. I want cow's milk." I think he must be a super taster.

Sam has a little toy tool set. He took the wrench to Will's doctor appointment, and when the nurse asked him what he it was and what he was doing, his enthusiastic response was, "This is my wrench. I'm wrenching!"

Our wonderful nurse gave us more samples of hypoallergenic formula. 4 containers!! That's $50 worth of formula. It's $25 for a 16 oz can at the store. For any non-infant minded people, that's a small fortune. It runs about double the price for half the amount of the most expensive brand of regular formula at the grocery store (no Costco deals here). I like to put it in Will's cereal (like he would ever take a bottle!), but I don't know if I could ever bring myself to buy it. I figured it out one time, and it would cost thousands of dollars (roughly $5-6,000) to buy that formula for a year. Breastfeeding is such a blessing! People tell me what a good, dedicated mom I am to restrict my diet so I can nurse Will (who is doing much better!), but they don't understand how much it's worth to me financially. I'll just let them think what they want.


Us said...

Buying formula, even regular formula on a regular basis, is like making a monthly car payment. I never understood why someone would stop nursing and pay for this! I don't know that I could be as dedicated in restricting my diet as you are, even for the expense. Kudos to you! (Pun intended...)

Max Fam said...

I hear ya on the formula...Owen's prescription stuff costs $120/week, and he only has 2 bottles a day, plus breastfeeding. Yikes.