Friday, February 15, 2008

Celebrating Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day I gave Sam these fun gel writers for the tub. It quickly turned into gel squeezers for the tub. Notice the shoulder. I made Mike some oreo truffles, and Will just got a bath, poor kid. That was all I could muster since my Valentine gift from Sam was a cold. And my gift from Will was a rare night of abdominal distress (his), which resulted in a lot of crying right before bed. He finally passed out on my lap (which he NEVER does) after we gave him some baby Zantac. I guess it's time to go back on my strict diet. :( Mike made me least someone gave me a break.

Will has my little Foutz chin. I know every mother thinks her baby is the cutest, but look at that face. I just want to kiss it when I see it. So cute!


Christine said...

That is a cute little chin!