Thursday, February 21, 2008

How it happened

I was thinking about this little video this morning while I was feeding Will. It always makes me smile. I think Mike likes it too, even though he won't admit it yet.

Background: Two weeks before Will was born, Mike was helping move a large mirror to a dumpster. As they were lifting it up to put it in, the mirror broke under its own weight and sliced Mike's arm open. They whipped Mike's belt off and put it around his arm. He was lying on the ground yelling for help (while the other person ran off to find a phone to call 911), and the only person who could hear him just happened to be an EMT (off duty). She helped get his arm squared away, and saved him a lot of blood during the 5 minute wait for the ambulance. I got the call at 9:00 pm that he was in the emergency room. I had a family member come stay with Sam, who was already in bed, and I sped up to the U hospital. 3 hours and one plastic surgeon later, we were on our way home.

This was Mike's arm last week. The scar is looking a lot better.


Us said...

That scar doesn't look too nasty.

You've been tagged, but since you have been tagged so many times recently, I won't guilt you into doing it. :)

Us said...

Sorry, let me reiterate: That scar doesn't look too nasty NOW. I'm sure it was quite gruesome when it happened.

Christine said...

that was a scary episode!