Sunday, August 19, 2007


The last couple of days when Mike comes home from work, Sam will run into the garage and yell, "Daddy, you're my best friend!" Today Sam also told me I was his best friend. It will be very sad to have Mike gone for the next three days on a business trip. Especially at bedtime. Usually it's one-on-one, but without Mike around I'll be outnumbered. At least I get to go to the dentist tomorrow. And the pediatrician, if I can get an appointment. Poor Will, I hope he'll be like Sam and outgrow his eczema. I don't think the current spot is because of me, I've been vigilant about my diet. That's kind of what has me worried...maybe it's getting worse all on its own. Oh, and the banana bread was good. A little better with some shortening in it, but definitely an acceptable alternative.


The Quiet American said...

Osie has also been using the "best friend" tactic. She is a little more sneaky about it because when she does not get what she wants she lets me know that "You are not my best friend anymore."