Our beautiful Molly Grace turned ONE year old on Wednesday! We can't believe it's already been a year since she joined our family! She's been so much fun, and a very calming influence on her brothers. She's mellow and sweet, and we love her so much!
She had her official first taste of cake on Sunday at the Clayton multi-birthday party, but I forgot my camera. :( So this is her second taste of cake, which I think she liked just as much!
Molly had her check-up today, and she's still very petite!
Height: 29 inches (45th percentile)
Weight: 18.2 lbs (10th percentile)
Disposition: Sweet!
We went to Target after her appointment and she was so traumatized by her shots that she fell asleep sitting in the front of the cart. It was cute, but sad. And then I bought her tons of stuff. I found some really cute dresses! But don't tell Mike. :) I'm such a sucker for a cute dress!
Molly still isn't crawling, but she scoots everywhere on her cute little bum! The doctor wasn't worried, and her hips are fine, so we're just having fun watching her zoom everywhere sitting up! I'll try and get some video soon, it's pretty funny.
She really is so sweet and calm, i wish she could rub some calmness on Corbin! She is just a petite little princess and she always is dressed so darn cute!
still sad we missed you. you'll just have to come to az.
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