Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seriously, I Almost Cried

Our first car that we bought together, all the way back in January 2003. Isn't she pretty? We shared a car forever (at least it seemed that long), and then we bought this pearl. Still runs like a champ. My first stick shift. We brought Sam home from the hospital in it. I've puked in it at least 5 times. It was our first major purchase (other than our condo). And now it's gone. After 3 stinking hours on yesterday, someone called and test drove it. Then last night someone else test drove it. He was pretty much set to buy it. First thing this morning the first guy called and said he got the money, and he really wanted it (because he knew the other guy was going to buy it today). I loved this car, so I made Mike promise to tell him to be good to my baby, because I really didn't want to give it up. Not only did he give Mike the money today, but a loaf of Great Harvest Honey Wheat Bread. It helps a little, but I'm still sad. Why is it harder for me to sell a car than buy one? Seems a little backward. Maybe next time we'll ask way more than blue book instead of just more than blue book (but still less than half of what we paid 6 years ago). I'll be okay. In time.

On a brighter note, now we'll have plenty of money to pay for the termite control that we just found out we need. And the water damage. That will have to get fixed too. Unrelated to the pest problem. We may not actually have termites right now (the damage may have been years ago, before we bought the house). Only way to find out is to rip the wall off and have a look. And it just happens to be in the room that we were going to move Sam and Will into. If there is live activity we'll have to get it treated anyway, so we think we just leave the wall in place and have it done. I'll be okay. In time.


Unknown said...

Hi Becky:
I haven't visited your site in a while. I hope you're getting a van for the new princess and the boys, and I hope there are no termites. I know all about termites. We cohabited for 8 years in Tahiti! Hope you're feeling well. Can't wait to meet the new one.