Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Monkey Boy Will

Will has turned into Mr. Destructo. The house always looks like a tornado has just gone through, but it's just Will doing his thing. If I'm in the kitchen, he comes in and empties all the drawers and cupboards he can reach. If I'm getting ready in the bathroom, he comes and empties all the cupboards. If we forget to put the toilet lid down, something ends up wet. If I'm trying to organize baby clothes, he comes and throws them everywhere and then makes me put socks on him. And shoes. I know all kids do this kind of thing, but it's all he does all day. It's more fun than playing with toys. Sam was never this hard to clean up after. He also insists on feeding himself. And if I put a bib on him, he just rips it off and throws it.
I cleaned the first round of cereal out of his hair just in time for more.
When he was done giving himself an oatmeal/yogurt facial, he grabbed as much cereal as he could carry and ran around the house with it.
He was so pleased with himself.
He's also turned into a major climber. He climbs on everything. He especially loves the chalk bucket, so he figured out a way he could reach it.

Will LOVES hats and shoes. If he finds socks, he makes me put those on him too. These socks are infant socks (because I'm trying to organize the baby clothes for Little Miss Clayton). He made me put them on his feet, but they're about half the size he needs. I wasn't quite fast enough with the camera, but he was trying to put his sandal on himself. He's always trying to put Mike's running shoes and flip flops on. This kid is BUSY BUSY BUSY!

And soon I'll be even busier. I got released last night from my calling as a Mia Maid advisor, and then offered another calling. The Bishop wouldn't let me say yes or no until I'd talked it over with Mike. It's one of those callings. I haven't talked to the bishop yet, so I won't say what it is until things are a little more official, one way or the other.

Last night Mike was getting Sam ready for bed. This was the ensuing conversation:
Mike: Come on Stinker Bob, it's time to brush teeth.
Sam: My name isn't Stinker Bob!
Mike: Okay, come on Bob.
Sam: (Quite disgruntled) My name doesn't start with a B!

Yesterday we had our first turn of driving the preschool carpool. Preschool conversations are so funny, I loved just listening to them talk to each other. Sam was cute though. We had three little girls in the back of the car and as soon as we had everybody buckled, Sam turned around and said, "Is everyone okay back there?" When he was satisfied he told me we could go.


Christine said...

Boys are so grubby. Love it! You are in for a treat with a little girl.