Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Deep Breath

Life has been incredibly busy lately, but today has been a little more relaxed. Will is napping and Sam is downstairs playing with Ryan. Now they're sitting on chairs watching me type. I'm afraid to go downstairs and see what they did. It sounded fun. Luckily Sam came and got me when Ryan dumped a container of paperclips in someone's forgotten (very large) cup of water.
I have a lot of pictures to catch up on, and there's a chance I may get to do it right now.
These pictures aren't in order. If I have time I'll fix it. It might just have to stay though.

Sam and I made a Play-Doh truck. Notice the skill with which the truck was crafted. Amazing.
Sam added the funnel to the top. Trucks don't normally have funnels, but this was a special occasion.
Sam wanted me to take a picture of him. Goofball.

Last week when Osie was here they wanted to play in the snow, but Sam's favorite mittens were still in Mike's car from skiing. These were the only gloves I could find, so they each got one for holding and throwing snow in the back yard.

Kiddos playing in the back yard with Katie while I embroidered like a mad woman.

It is almost impossible to change Will's diaper alone. When you put him down he's instantly on his stomach. It's kind of amazing. But hard. Mike thinks he's got a bright future as a wrestler.

Sam and I made rocky road cereal bars. They were yummy! Sam is a major taste-along-the-way cooker.

Will followed Sam hoping for little bits to fall on the floor.

We went on a walk with Osie. I was waiting for Osie to catch up. That little dot at the end of the sidewalk is Sam on his trike.
Osie was really excited about riding Sam's Spiderman scooter on our walk, but it wasn't as much fun as she thought it would be. She wasn't very happy that I made her push it the whole way. There wasn't much choice though, I was pushing Will in the stroller. She walked it nearly the whole time.
They had lots of fun with their masks. Osie's was the princess mask with two mouths, and Sam's was the bee mask.
They went outside to play while I was embroidering (one of the reasons I've been so busy), and when I looked outside I saw Osie pushing Sam. I love to see cousins playing together!

Will and Sam have formed a cracker bond. Sam asks for crackers, then takes the whole package, sits on the floor with Will, and they eat the whole thing.


Christine said...

so sweet! They are getting so big. The playdough truck is pretty impressive. The brownies look amazing and I love that Will followed Sam around hoping for any morcels he could get!