Monday, November 3, 2008

Candy Clay

Another fun kid concoction from my sister's book. It's a good consistency for playing with, and pretty tasty too. I love that it's not just non-toxic, but it's actually fine to eat it (if you don't mind the kids eating pure sugar and butter). Sam loves this stuff:

Sam: (holding it and taking bites)
Mom: Sam, you need to make something before you eat it.
Sam: (twisting the clay) It's a rocket. (resumes eating)

It's not like I said, "Here Will, this is edible so I hope you just start shoving it in your mouth without playing with it or even asking if it's okay to eat." But that's what he did. He doesn't do this with play-doh. How do they know? (He didn't see Sam eating it, Sam played with his during Will's naptime)

Candy Clay

1 lb. powdered sugar
1/3 c corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 c margarine (softened)
1 tsp vanilla extract
5-7 drops food coloring

Mix all ingredients until blended. If the mixture is too sticky, add more powdered sugar.

I used unsalted butter because that's what I had. I started out mixing it by hand, but I could tell it was going to take forever. I dumped it into my mixer and it was perfect in seconds.