A cute girl in our ward drew this picture of Will yesterday during Sacrament Meeting. He wanders around and visits everyone sitting around us, playing with their toys, eating their snacks, etc. He spends more time with other people than he does with us.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Will's Drawing
Posted by Becky at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Good Times
I had just brought up a bunch of freshly ironed clothes from the laundry room. I think Will could sense it...the time I had just taken to iron 10 shirts (with more to do). He grabbed one of my maternity shirts and pulled it all around the house by the tie. Super fun.
Posted by Becky at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Sam says the most hilarious stuff all the time, but when I go to write it down, I usually can't remember what he said. I finally remember a few.
- Yesterday Sam's uncle and cousin were over. I was doing dishes or something, so all I heard of the conversation was: (Sam) "Heavenly Father built me to be strong!" (Uncle) "Your father built you?" (Sam) "No! Heavenly Father!"
- Tonight we went to my mom's to watch the UofU v BYU game with a few of our brothers and sisters (some from each of our families). On the way home Sam said, "We have to call Osie! I have to tell her that I'm my father's son!" We have no idea where that came from. (We were so glad Osie was there...she and Sam played together the whole game. Awesome.)
- Right after he said the father's son thing, we were stopped at an intersection and Sam pointed and said he wanted to go there. I saw a branch of our credit union and a Walgreen's. I didn't know where he meant, so I turned around and he pointed harder at the credit union and said, "I want to go there and get a lollipop!" Not that he's ever been to that branch, he just recognized the sign.
Posted by Becky at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Posted by Becky at 4:12 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Posted by Becky at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
California! Again!
We had our last family vacation for a very long time. I won't be traveling again until after the baby comes. We drove to California to spend a week in Huntington Beach. The drive down was actually really good. We left pretty late in the day so the boys could sleep on the way to St. George, slept for a few hours at the Mulberry house, and then woke up early to finish the drive. We did the same thing on the way home, and it was great. The boys really needed the break. Who am I kidding? So did we. I'm a sleepy driver anyway, but when I'm pregnant I don't have a chance...so Mike did all the driving. The whole way, both ways, 11 or 12 hours each way. (The other day I got super sleepy driving home from Costco. It's 6 miles.)
We went to Disneyland the day after we got there, and it was really hot. We spent quite a bit of time in Mickey and Minnie's houses. They were air conditioned, and Will loved them.
Sam's been into this Buzz Lightyear phase, so meeting him was pretty awesome. This was right after we went on the Buzz Lightyear ride (I scored 91,000 points, thank you). I've been to Disneyland twice this year, and this is the only ride I went on both times. Most of the rides have a sign saying expectant mothers shouldn't ride. So really, I paid $35 for each time around on Buzz Lightyear.
I think I overexerted at Disneyland because I spent the entire next day sick in bed. I finally threw up that night, and eventually started feeling better the next day. And Mike and Will also shared a little cold. It's not fun if someone's not sick, right? That's our family vacation mantra. We didn't go on one trip this year where someone didn't throw up. Plus Will got hand-foot-and-mouth disease last time we were down (in addition to teething and diaper rash). We're just lucky I guess. The boys went to Disneyland again, but Will had to stay home with me. He was absolutely heartbroken at being left behind. That sad face makes me feel a little guilty. But there was no way I was going again, and there's not much at Disneyland for a kid his age anyway.
My uncle and aunt rent a beach house every year on Capistrano Beach, and my mom usually goes down for a few days to be with them. This year my sister, brother, and sister-in-law went too, so we drove down on Sunday to have dinner with everyone. Mike had never met my Aunt Katherine, or my cousin Don (on either side of me). Don is my first cousin. He's 9 years younger than my mom and has children my age. All of my cousins are a lot older than me, but it's still weird to me that my first cousin is old enough to be my dad. Don lives about 35 minutes away from the condo in Huntington Beach, so we'll be able so visit family when we go out! It was really fun to see them. I've seen my uncle Lynn once since I got married, and I have no idea the last time I saw the other two. One of Don's kids (whom I've never met...of his three, I've met one) might be moving to Salt Lake soon, so it will be fun to have more family around. I've never lived very close to my extended family. That's one reason Mike's family is so neat. Most of his cousins live in Utah, so we get to see them a lot.
We had a great trip, but I think I'm all relaxed out for a while. Now I'm going to try to catch up on getting my house in order...or at least get the laundry put away!
Posted by Becky at 9:21 PM 2 comments
Posted by Becky at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Candy Clay
Another fun kid concoction from my sister's book. It's a good consistency for playing with, and pretty tasty too. I love that it's not just non-toxic, but it's actually fine to eat it (if you don't mind the kids eating pure sugar and butter). Sam loves this stuff:
Sam: (holding it and taking bites)
Mom: Sam, you need to make something before you eat it.
Sam: (twisting the clay) It's a rocket. (resumes eating)
1 lb. powdered sugar
1/3 c corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 c margarine (softened)
1 tsp vanilla extract
5-7 drops food coloring
Mix all ingredients until blended. If the mixture is too sticky, add more powdered sugar.
I used unsalted butter because that's what I had. I started out mixing it by hand, but I could tell it was going to take forever. I dumped it into my mixer and it was perfect in seconds.
Posted by Becky at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Recipes for Fun
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Preschool Halloween Parade
We were going to do Batman this year, but Sam changed his mind and went with Thomas. Good thing too, since two of the three other boys were Batman.
Posted by Becky at 9:17 PM 1 comments
Sunday Fun
Sam and I made 3-D squeeze chalk! It took 2 minutes and a couple of pantry staples. It was thick enough to pick it up and play with it, so Sam made a bunch of snakes. He made me do the trains. That would be Thomas and Diesel 10. But I'm sure you could tell.
Mix cornstarch and flour together in a small bowl. Add water and food coloring. Mix until the consistency of a thick paste. If it's too dry, sprinkle with a little water and stir. Pour into the zip bag and seal. Snip a small hole in the corner of the bag and squeeze the chalk out of the bag and on the sidewalk.
I used a sandwich bag, but one of the seams opened a little. Next time I'll use a quart freezer bag.
This came out of a book my sister has...something about cool kid concoctions. I don't know the name, but it's full of awesome stuff. Tons of great stuff for object lessons too. I can't wait to try Jennifer's favorite Treasure Stones. And the candy glass.
Posted by Becky at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Recipes for Fun
We went to a fun animal presentation at the library one night for FHE. They had all sorts of animals: a hedgehog, parrot, snake, african chicken, rabbits (some cool new breed), lizards, and lots of other things. The last animal was this dog, which they got to pet.
Posted by Becky at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Halloween Activities
Sam and I did some fun Halloween activities with some friends. I found a great blog with all sorts of kid activities, and I didn't put up a link for it before I closed it. I'll put it up when I find it again, it had tons of fun stuff. I found this coloring page/puzzle.
Posted by Becky at 8:33 PM 1 comments