Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Like Dirty!

Everything in my life is starting to become very sporadic. Cleaning, reading, blogging, cooking, having sanity, etc. This pregnancy just isn't treating me nice. I'm starting to feel better now, which is such a blessing! When I got pregnant with Will my OB asked me if anyone ever told me that the second pregnancy is harder than the first. Because it is. And the third one is even harder. You don't have the luxury of napping or relaxing whenever you feel like have kids to take care of. Thank goodness the good days are starting to outnumber the hard ones. 16 weeks down. We're having the ultrasound in less than a month!

Here's a recap of the most recent goings on.
I tried uploading this picture twice, and it keeps going sideways. You get the idea. Sam was in the bathroom for quite a long time. When he came out he let me know that he was done, but, "Don't look in the toilet." Famous last words. I lifted the lid and the entire bowl was filled with toilet paper. At least he's gaining independence, right?

Yesterday I heard the front door unlock and start to open. From the kitchen I asked Sam what he was doing. "I want to be alone." I walked over to see what was going on. He found a box of Nerds candy (the mid-size box) and wanted to eat the whole thing by himself. Of course the only way to do that without interruption is to go outside when everyone else is inside.

Things you use to wipe. The boys have found a common theme lately. Will always has something in one of his hands, and it's almost always a little ball. After mama and dada, ball was his first word. Yesterday we were out front and he stood in front of the garage door, pointed his whole arm at it and yelled, "Abba!" We let Sam say (yell) "abra ca dabra" to open the door (we use the opener), and apparently Will has been paying attention.

Sam's favorite treat this year...popsicles!

Last night Mike was giving Sam a shower [Because Will pooped in the tub. Normally we bathe the boys together, but Mike and Sam were watching the Olympics for a bit before bed. I was in the bathroom with Will, but I was reading my book. I realized moments too late that it was too quiet, and then slight chaos erupted. Will was upset that his bath was cut short, and then Mike got him ready for bed while I cleaned out the tub. We got Will to bed, and then Mike gave Sam a shower while I disinfected the tub and toys. Yuck.] So as Sam was showering he started asking Mike all sorts of questions. "Am I getting cleaned up? Do girls like to clean up? Is clean-up a girl word? Is dirty a boy word? I like dirty!"