Saturday, July 18, 2009

Much randomness

I already thought I'd accepted that I'm no longer cool. I have three kids. I need a haircut. The weeds are out of control. I get it. But Wednesday provided that moment where you realize your cool factor hasn't gone down, it's just gone. We had just gotten on the freeway on our way downtown to go to the LDS Church History Museum and Sam asked, "Can't you get any more speed out of this thing?" Thanks He-Man.

I'm so far behind in posting pictures that I'm going to try posting a few every day (or so) until I have some semblance of normalcy back in my life. It could be a while. This has been a crazy summer.

Aunt Jen with an over-tired, dirty-faced Will after family pictures at The Atrium at Western Gardens. My brother and his wife moved to Idaho, so we got pics before they moved away forever.

My boys!

Walks around the block take a solid 45 minutes when Will is in charge of his own transportation. We only did this a couple of times. Now we finally have our amazing Phil & Teds stroller. I love it.

Two of my sisters-in-law are pregnant, but the shower (back in April) was for the one in the white shirt. All of the Foutz women (except for Kimbur's girls). Plus Will. We've been doing a girls night every week where as many of us as can, get together at my mom's and talk, stuff our faces, and watch a movie. I love our movie nights!