Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nothing Beats Waking Up Naked...

And sometimes a little soggy!  She's going through a crazy naked stage right now.  She's ALWAYS taking her clothes off.  Diaper included.  It makes me crazy!!  We have to pin her jammies so she can't unzip them, and she has to wear onesies just to keep her diaper on.  Days like today, when all the onesies are in the laundry, are super fun.  Because she hates to wear a diaper after she's used I find her running around the house naked with wet and dirty diapers in her wake!  But it's worse when she takes her diaper off and THEN decides to relieve herself.  On the carpet.  In my room.  On my pillow.  Ugh.  So much extra laundry!

But look at that sleepy good morning smile.  Almost makes the nakey stage okay.  :)