Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Evolution of a Bucket of Cookies

We got home late one night, and I set Molly down on the kitchen floor to go in another room to get jammies or something. When I came back into the kitchen, Will had grabbed the cookies and they were both sitting on the floor like this.

Ha ha, very funny. But no time to end the feast, must continue on with bedtime preparation.

The next time I come in the kitchen I found three little monkeys stuffing their faces.

I took Molly to put her pj's on and when I came back Will had dumped all the cookies and was stomping on some of them.

And this, my friends, is why I vacuum every day. Every single day. What would we do without Will? :)


Jane said...

That is one of the saddest things that I have seen today.... All of your beautiful (and extremely tasty) sugar cookies being stomped into the ground by the Will... They are such funny kids!